Monday, March 21, 2011

Kiribati and Climate Change

·       Kiribis is a coral atoll made up of 33 islands
·       Around 100, 000 people live there
·       Kiribati is 16k by 400m in size
·       The average height above sea level is 2m
·       Kiribati’s president is predicting in the year 2030 that their country will be under sea
·       Crops are dying because there is not much fertile land and rising sea levels are contaminating the soil with salt.
·       Storms are getting worse and washing away the island
·       Lack of water supply will be the first and largest issue for them
·       Erosion, storm surges and drought cause environmental issue and impact their survival
·       Water from aquifers are extremely prone to contamination
·       The government is educating the citizens to make them more appealing to other countries
·       Australian government is funding nurse training
·       Climate change is a focal point in church

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